Mac OSX v3 prototype available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.98 In reply to 4737.97 
Hi phlatt5th,

> A few more questions, I would like to use some of the
> scripts on the resource page is that possible?

Yeah pretty much all the scripts should work exactly the same in the OSX version. The only one that probably won't work is the import point file one since it uses a Windows system component for reading a text file in. At some point I'll provide some text file services for scripts so that can be made to work as well.

But other than that one script I think every other one ought to work, please let me know if you find any that don't.

> especially the spacebar fullscreen under cursor one

It should work - please let me know if it doesn't.

> How would I get it to remember the full screen on launch?

It doesn't seem like the window size will stick right now, that's probably the only setting that doesn't. I'll look into that.

- Michael