Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4446.2188 In reply to 4446.2186 
Another small question. How do you get portraits in which several studies appear? Even 10 faces in different angles.

Does something have to be written in the prompt?

The different angle are given by the different original images taken!

I never write a prompt except the 3 ones ...
"Color Portait"
or last day
"Color Portrait smiling"
for the number day 24 as you can see it 3 posts above!
one of the result! :) (i will try to refind the original)

Give me an image and see the result i obtain... with my Preraph data set!
no more than these 5 images!!! My "Preraph" data set!!!

I believe that was this one! :)
here 0.17 so maybe with a more intensity 0.19

You have never the same result if you don't use the seed number!

As you can see here some post process must be made... :)
I don't make it i just will generate an another image! :)

EDITED: 13 Aug 2023 by PILOU