NodeEditor Plus [Unofficial]

 From:  MO (MO_TE)
11614.78 In reply to 11614.77 
Actually, This is an existing feature inside the NE Plus, (Embedded widgets)
But, I haven't used it in an actual node yet. Except inside some widget nodes.
Find "Widget/Widget Examples" node to see some examples of embedded widgets.
If you want to study the code, see the "EmbeddedWidgets.js" under "NodeEditorPlus\nodes\extensions"

Here is a quick attempt to add a toggle for enabling or disabling the output node.
I haven't tested it correctly, but, it seems to work ok.

Replace attached file with "objects.js" file in the "nodes" folder.
Let me know if you find it useful.

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Size: 25.9 KB, Downloaded: 15 times, Dimensions: 517x512px