NodeEditor Plus [Unofficial]

 From:  MO (MO_TE)
11614.56 In reply to 11614.50 
Hi Brian

Thanks for taking the time and documenting nodes.

I'm thinking of an alternative solution for documenting nodes.
There is a new feature in NE Plus called "Tooltips". You can Alt + Click on nodes to see the node's tooltip.
It uses the "desc" property to show a tooltip on the canvas.
Like this:
Multiplexer_Mux.desc = "Multiplexer (Mux) * To select input(s) by index number or a binary pattern";
(" * " characters add a new line to the tooltip.)

I left it untouched for most nodes except the ones I created recently. But, it's possible to write a simple description for them.

Or, We can use the translate function to insert new node descriptions on the fly.
Check the Descriptions section in the "NEPlus_Full_Dict.txt" file. ( It's a long file, search for: /* Descriptions */ )

I checked your "swRotary" node. It looks like a widget version of "Mux" node. :) I encountered a bug when cloning the node on middle inputs selected.
Fixed the bug, added more input options
Check this version: "Widget/SwRotaryTEST"
Edit: Added to the NodeEditor Plus v0.7.02

EDITED: 9 Jan by MO_TE