NodeEditor Plus [Unofficial]

 From:  bemfarmer
I spent some time improving my Yarn node.

There are some new features in NodeEditorPlus that are terrific!

1. Node to Macro,
2. Arrange Graph,
3. Notes. (Can be used as a label for the node assemblage, and for information.)

(See Documentation pdf)

Add Group could use some Documentation. How to remove "Group" box? ( > Edit Group > Remove Group.)

The use of the above improvements are for the most part self-evident., and the documentation helps.
Notes could use a documentation write-op. I had to type the same notes 5 times before realizing that (a very rapid) right mouse click adds them to the box. Otherwise the Info box resets.

A second shortcut key can be set up in MoI, to open a second canvas, to assist node program (assemblage) creationg.

- Brian

EDITED: 29 Dec 2024 by BEMFARMER