NodeEditor Plus [Unofficial]

 From:  Michael Gibson
11614.15 In reply to 11614.6 
Hi Brian,

for this part:
> Edit upon closing and re-opening MoI, the New shortcut key is no longer installed
> (assigned new code) it does not work.

This can happen if you have multiple instances of MoI running when you set up a new shortcut key.

MoI will save shortcut keys to the moi.ini file when it exits, and if you exit an instance that did not have the shortcut key set in it last it will get overwritten.

So it's good to have only one instance of MoI running when you are setting up shortcuts, and then close that one before you open up any more.

I've tuned this up a bit for the next beta so that it will write changes to the moi.ini immediately after editing any shortcuts. You should still have only one instance running but you won't need to close it to get moi.ini to be updated.

- Michael