named view new script

 From:  Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
11036.4 In reply to 11036.3 
Thanks Peer!

A little request, if possible…

Right now, after having saved a view, it requires four actions / clicks to restore the view:

1. activate the script,
2. click on the dropdown menu,
3. click again to select a view from the dropdown menu,
4. press Done or right-click.

I usually use just one view for an illustration, and navigate the 3D view a lot, then restore the stored view again. It would be more convenient if the last saved view is activated by default in the drop-down menu, so you'd just need to activate the script, then press Done (or right-click) to restore the last-saved view.

If possible, it would be even more convenient to have a separate command / script to directly restore the last-saved view with one keystroke or button, so you'd only need to activate the other script if you want to change or add a stored view.

Many thanks in advance for considering this, if it's possible.