Script to cut windows and doors into walls

 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
10907.11 In reply to 10907.10 
Hi Pilou,

I thought that you might enjoy making curvy windows!

Thanks for the feedback on the location of the glass. I added the option to create the “glass” so that when you look at one of the side views of the building you wouldn’t be looking through the windows and be distracted by interior features—more like a piece of plywood than glass… I will set the glass just inside of the wall, like a modern window normally is, but probably not right in the middle of the wall.

It is odd to see that your images do not show the units on the two distance fields. Maybe that got turned off in one of your settings? The “probe depth” is set by default to 15 inches, but is then translated to whatever unit system the model uses.
