Dark Neutral Grey UI Complete with Instructions

 From:  Pit (PIETER)
10465.25 In reply to 10465.24 

Hi folks, I am new to this forum and have discovered the great Moi 3D program, many thanks to Michael.
I also beautified the Moi surface, many thanks to Tod.
However, I get an error message:

[url = https: //postimg.cc/347f40Y8] [img] https://i.postimg.cc/pT5wSKSF/Ohne-Titel.png [/ img] [/ url]

I also don't see the Reverse.png icon (in the Moi interface) I followed the instructions exactly.
Maybe I'll make a mistake, I would be very grateful for any help.
I have an iMAC 3.8 GHz with Big Sur, I know whether the uploading of the picture worked, otherwise please provide instructions on how to upload pictures in the forum.
I apologize for my english, i use google to translate.

Warm greetings