Dark Neutral Grey UI Complete with Instructions

 From:  thejinx
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I reviewed the instructions several times and repeated the process with the same results, each time using the advised 9.5 UI Scale, rather than electing to lower it further in interest of being able to see it still.

Just as a bit of feedback 9.5 does not work for a resolution of 1920x1080 on Windows 11 with a maximized window. Anything below 9.5 does, at least in my case on the two machines I have tested.

On the installation experience, I asked as prelude to offering to produce one in interest of giving some effort back, though Michael's response of an updated theme system in the next version would seem to make this whole idea happily redundant.

On the top gap, I understand that it isn't to your taste to have toolbar items move. Different strokes for different folks there (: great testament to how customizable Moi can be for us all.

Ah! I didn't think anything was wrong with the SidePanel.htm in my %AppData% (roaming appdata); it is identical to the one inside of the rar (verified via diff comparison). Is mine not behaving properly?

Cheers all