Dark Neutral Grey UI Complete with Instructions

 From:  Death
Shortcut Keys descriptions for those who don't want to download the .RAR file again...

View Keys

Home: Resets 3D view to normal view (like the reset button)

Shift+Home: Resets the 3D view to normal, including the orientation

Alt+Home: Isometric 3D View

Ctrl+Home: Perspective 3D View (to get back from Isometric to normal view)

Numpad+: Zoom in 3D View

Numpad-: Zoom out 3D View

Space: Toggles betwen views. I.e.: If mouse is in top view space switches to 1 view only (the top), hit space again, it goes back to split view. works on all views that way. Convenient way to select a "big screen work view" then back to normal.

End: Toggles hidden line display.

V: Switches between saved 3D views

Shift+V: Save snapshot of current 3D view

Alt+V: Clear ALL the saved views

(Extremely useful! Press shift V to save the 3D view, go to other side of model, save that view, now you have 2 work views to toggle between every time you hit V.
You are not limited to 2 views either. Save 1, save 10 or whatever.)

Arrow and Page keys:

LeftArrow: Nudge Left

Ctrl+LeftArrow: Nudge Left Small increment

Alt+LeftArrow: Nudge Left Large increment

RightArrow: Nudge Right

Ctrl+RightArrow: Nudge Right Small

Alt+RightArrow: Nudge Right Large

UpArrow: Nudge Up

Ctrl+UpArrow: Nudge Up Small

Alt+UpArrow: Nudge Up Large

DownArrow: Nudge Down

Ctrl+DownArrow: Nudge Down Small

Alt+DownArrow: Nudge Down Large

PageDown: Nudge ZDown

Ctrl+PageDown: Nudge ZDown Small

Alt+PageDown: Nudge ZDown Large

PageUp: Nudge ZUp

Ctrl+PageUp: Nudge ZUp Small

Alt+PageUp: Nudge ZUp Large

Other Keys

Delete: Delete

A: Align

N: Highlight naked edges

S: Cycle selected by their type. (Select an edge, face, object, curve etc., then pressing S cycles to the next one of the selected kind)

Alt+Q: Screen capture 1280 x 800 to clipboard, with white background

Ctrl+Q: Screen capture1280 x 800 to clipboard, normal viewport

The Usual:
F1: Help

Ctrl+N: New

Ctrl+O: Open

Ctrl+S: Save

Ctrl+A: Select ALL

Ctrl+C: CopyClipboard

Ctrl+V: Paste

Ctrl+Shift+C: CopyClipboardWithOrigin

Ctrl+Shift+V: PastePart and orient Origin

Ctrl+X: Cut

Ctrl+Y: Redo

Ctrl+Z: Undo