Modified version of Max's Scripts menu

 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
10353.15 In reply to 10353.14 

Thank you for the testing and confirmation of how the international characters are working. Possibly related to character sets, Max used the leading underscore "_" character in certain scripts and I made a small change in my Extras to ignore those underscores when sorting the names. I offer that since it seems you might like to tweak the code.

As to adding horizontal or vertical dividing lines, that would require a significant change to the script's logic. My goal was to have as few special cases in the script as possible so that it would require minimal maintenance as MoI changes and evolves while still providing access to whatever scripts the user has added. The code is there and you can certainly make your own version (hopefully you choose a new name for it) with additional dividing lines. Depending on what you want to do, you would need to modify makeList() which is mostly just the code I borrowed from Max's Scripts.
