Modified version of Max's Scripts menu

 From:  Michael Gibson
10353.11 In reply to 10353.10 
Hi SUIYAN, for renaming the "Rebuild" command you indicate above you would also need to update Extras.htm, line number 21:

    var additional = [ 'ArrayGem', 'BoundingBox', 'BoundingBoxCenter',
        'ExplodeMove', 'Flip', 'IncrementalSave', 'Make2D',
        'Merge', 'Rebuild', 'RemoveDuplicates',
        'ShrinkTrimmedSrf', 'ViewProject' ];

You would probably need to edit 'Rebuild' there to match up with your new Chinese file name, and save Extras.htm as a UTF-8 encoded file with byte order mark.

- Michael