V5 Wish List

 From:  ed (EDDYF)
10114.98 In reply to 10114.85 
I like the suggestion by mdesign above to use Folders as a grouping mechanism. Seems like it would fit in well with the existing UI.

For example, I'm currently modeling a car in MoI. Each wheel has 56 spokes, a rim, a hub, a cap and a tire. Sixty objects, currently assigned to 5 colors.

Would be great to group those into a Folder called Wheel. Ability to Lock/Unlock & Hide/Unhide as usual. If un-locked, any Alignment Tool applied to the Folder would automatically default to "Move as Group".

If we had sub-folders, each of the 4 wheel folders could be in a folder called Wheels.

And as mdesign suggested, folders would be great for consolidating and holding extrusion curves, cutting objects, trimming curves, etc.

Ed Ferguson