V5 Wish List

 From:  co3Dprints (BRUMMETT)
I have a couple of tiny wishes but hey it's a wishlist.

1. by default not having the ratios linked on new objects (maintain proportions) when you want to change the X axis length for instance. Always another click to turn that off and think it should be off to begin with. Think most users rarely make squares vs rectangles.

2. Sure there is a hotkey but switching units e.g. inches to millimeters would be great as a button in gui. Sometimes if you undo halfway, the object will not scale back or forward to what it should be (gets stuck trying to scale to new base unit). I have it always set that I can work in realworld scale and if I want to model in inches, the model scales from metric to imperial without physically changing it's size. Not sure why anyone would ever want different.

3. I like that if I'm in inches I can still input Xmm's and that adjusts and vice-versa . However most people are measuring a diameter as opposed to a radius. For instance when putting a caliper to something. I wish diameter was the default and I wish I could input while in inches as my base unit ~ 50.8mm/2 or 25.8mm*.5 or 25.4mm_D for diameter or have a simple toggle in that field that activates diameter input instead of radius.

Love moi for many years :)