Hi, Michael
Can we have z axis in custom CPlane always pointed to 'the sky' (absolute above) in 3D view? That's we keep the 'Rotation Style' to 'Rotate around world Z axis' within Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom Options menu.
in this screenshot, the selected face will be better if facing to the sky in 3D view, i.e.: the TOP of cplane becomes the world z axis (temporarily), or in simple way: the z axis locked as the vertical axis in custom cplane 3D view.
The current state is quite 'dis-orienting' when we rotate the view around. And even better, the '3D' label will go like '3D (cplane)' like the other ortho views.
I do hope i've made myself clear.
Thank you very much in advance and pardon my English.