Hi stefano,
> Implement a way to jump straight into "DETAILS" of the object
> from the scene browser, maybe right click, double click
> or treble click. Does not matter how, matters its quick.
> Result: Save users going to select objects on screen
> and go to top right of interface "details button".
You can set up a keyboard shortcut to open the "Details..." dialog by putting in this for the "Command" part of the shortcut key:
script: /* Show Details... */ moi.ui.createDialog( 'ObjectPropertiesDialog.htm', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:700,defaultHeight:500' );
The Detailed object properties dialog shows the properties of the current selected objects.
If you want an item in the scene browser to become the single selected object you can do that by right clicking on the selection dot.
A left click on the selection dot in the scene browser toggles selection of just that object on or off without changing any others. A right click selects that item and deselects everything else.
So with this set up you would do a shortcut key and then a right click on the scene browser item, you won't need to select in the viewport or move your mouse to the "Details..." button.
- Michael