Consider check box
"use moi color background settings [viewport]"
This uses color value from: options/view/colors/background color
Puts a colored layer behind all other MOI objects on the pdf
Gives users sharp objects / clean vectors output
where the output looks exactly "as is" (or sharper)
than is on the MOI display port.
Arguably better than taking screenshots.
Effectively means the pdf output matches your
screen colors - so in the pdf options "shaded objects" are
selected and shown in front of your "viewport background color"
maybe two ways could be considered and both implemented:
Option 1. "AUTO"
Writes in moi viewport color on pdf export as back pdf layer.
this would allow for all sorts of pdf output sizes...
Option 2. "Presentation PDF"
refers to a pdf holder file in a moi folder and merges
moi content ontop of a:
Reference PDF which is created in another programme,
and is effectively used as "watermark" - allows branding etc.
Option 2 - would likely be used if setting output always
to single paper size say A4 - unless the moi pdf export had ways to pick
the pdf "watermark file" in a system folder.
Note this can be manually achieved in a clunky manner;
simply create a massive planar shape behind the moi objects in the
desired viewport, and colour it same as the: options/view/colors/background color
Use a paid pdf printer and reprint the moi pdfs ontop of a new
background or "watermark". Adobe printer has this paid.
As does Bullzip pdf printer. Thats a two step process
and exactly what im trying to avoid.