V5 Wish List

 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Might it be practical to facilitate the ability to swap the current selected objects from within the "Scene Browser Palette", either via a context menu or elsewise? This will be useful in order to invert a specific subset of the currently selected items. Presently one must control-click the tree-list item of interest to restrict the selection mechanism, invert select, and then remove the selection restriction. It would just be a lot quicker to right-click and choose such functionality. Also it would be nice to be able to collapse sections of the Scene-Browser-Palette with such menu.

Additionally, the "Details... Object Properties" dialog is very useful in refining object selection sets. While it is convenient to have the ability to rename an object from the name field of that dialog box, it is perhaps somewhat less than ideal that when more than one named-object is selected it, reports: "Name: (varies)". It would be really great to have a checkbox list instead, with which to further refine a selection set by removing specifically named items.

By the way, it should be noted that control-clicking a style or type in the Object Properties dialog removes it from the current selection set! This is very nice!

Thank you Michael for all that you do,

EDITED: 21 Jul 2024 by IGNITER