V5 Wish List

 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.576 In reply to 10114.571 
Hi stefano,

re: Colors for CorelDraw DXF import

I've updated the DXF importer for the next v5 release so it will bring in colors when importing your TEST_MOI_2LAYER_COLOURED_DXF_X3_ACAD2000.DXF file.

The way it will work is that if all the entities on a layer are using color-by-entity with the same color then it will use that color for the style in MoI instead of the layer color.

> Would you like me to give you any more flavours of dxf export from coreldraw?
> I currently have 3 licensed versions X3, X6, X9.

No thanks I don't think that's necessary.

Thanks, - Michael