Hi stefano, there are 2 ways that colors can be set up in DXF files. An entity can have color as an object property or it can have color "BYLAYER" which means it gets color from the layer the object is assigned to.
MoI itself only has the "BYLAYER" method of setting up color where color comes from the style assignment.
There is not any mechanism in MoI for an object to have a color as a direct object property instead of from the style assignment.
So because of this MoI will only read layer colors from DXF and does not try to do anything with entity level colors.
It might be possible to do something about this like if your DXF files have all entities on a layer set with the same entity color. I would need to see an example file to know if that is the case.
But if it is making a DXF that has different entity colors for things on the same layer then that probably won't be compatible with MoI's "By style" only color setup.
One reason why MoI only supports "by style" colors is it simplifies making a materials list when exporting to a rendering file format, the style list can be directly converted to a render materials list.
For object name, I can probably set up a script that will do that after you do an import, I would need an example file to test with.
- Michael