V5 Wish List

 From:  Tim (TIM_HICKOX)
10114.51 In reply to 10114.47 
Yes, I'm an engineer and I had many years of mechanical drawing. But when "standards" violate 'reality', which is 'right'? I'm not looking to argue this point. If there are two contradicting ways of doing something, maybe we could have a choice, that is we could select the view names that we like. BTW, as I'm sure you know, there are two different methods of projection, the American way and the European way. Trying to go back and forth between them is very confusing. And it isn't that one is 'right' and the other is 'wrong'; they both make sense when you understand the 'logic' behind them. Well, I wanted to point out a contradiction, and we can leave it at that. BTW, I'm very happy with V4!