V5 Wish List

 From:  pressure (PEER)
10114.472 In reply to 10114.471 
Hi Michael,

I often wish that I could edit vector graphics in MoI because it has geometric drawing tools that don't exist in graphics editors. I do this a little now, but it's arduous because the layout and layer/group structure of an SVG/AI get destroyed by being imported into MoI and then exported out again as SVG/AI. I end up having to import only 1 layer or group at a time into MoI and then use fiducial marks to get things registered again in a graphics editor.

Keeping some layer or group structure is needed so that things like stroke weight, color, dashes, fills, etc. can be set again when back in a vector graphics editor.

Maintaining layout relative to a page boundary is needed so that layout and dimensions don't change visually or for printing and also to make copy-pasting between vector files easy without going through an alignment and scaling step each time.

It looks like this sort of thing has been discussed before:



Getting this working probably won't be easy, but it would shave off a bunch of tedious work.

If anyone has figured out a streamlined workflow for editing vector graphics in MoI I'd love to hear about it.