Forgive me Master for I know not what I ask… ;-}
An MoI object dumper usable in a script. Maybe akin to perl’s Data::Dumper, something that returns a string describing the MoI object passed? Perhaps a simplified description along the lines of the Type information provided by clicking on the UI’s Details...? Recursive object dumping would be nice but probably too much to hope for. Thinking specifically about descriptions of MoI's objects, not a generalized javascript object dump.
moi.ui.alert( moi.dump( obj));
When I’m writing and debugging a script, a common challenge is figuring out what I’ve just done to abuse MoI’s object model & why my attempts to get an object's property or method to work are blowing up--typically because I've used an object incorrectly. When things go awry I start by looking at what I've just added, and then assuming it isn't a syntax error, I begin adding moi.ui.alert() messages and wrapping suspect blocks in try {} catch( e) { moi.ui.alert( 'error: ' + e) }. Having the ability to dump object information would be another very useful assist I think.