Hi Brian,
> So is a utility script to be created for the 2 UV coordinates method?
Something like this:
var face;
<... get face object ...>
var uv_min = face.domainMin;
var uv_max = face.domainMax;
function Lerp( t, low, high )
return low + ((high - low) * t);
function LerpUVPoint( t, ptA, ptB )
return { x : Lerp( t, ptA.x, ptB.x), y : Lerp( t, ptA.y, ptB.y ) }
var uv_a = LerpUVPoint( 0.3, uv_min, uv_max );
var uv_b = LerpUVPoint( 0.6, uv_min, uv_max );
var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'point' );
factory.setInput( 0, face.evaluatePoint( uv_a ) );