V5 Wish List

 From:  scott
10114.395 In reply to 10114.389 
Hi Michael

Thank you for the solution to my sidebar question.

After reading your explanation re my request for a polygon 'dimension' field, I did find a workaround solution that streamlines my workflow to some extent. I discovered that after selecting the desired polygon shape, I can enter the desired polygon dimension (radius) in the 'd' field as my first entry. This 'd' value then remains active until I finalize the polygon orientation. So with this workflow I'm able to 'preset' the polygon radius which works fine for my purposes.

Would adding a redundant 'd' field in the polygon settings section (under SIDES?) possibly make this workflow simpler without causing the conflicts you mentioned earlier? Or would a redundant 'd' field be potentially confusing/inconsistent with the MoI UI?

Again, not a big issue for me and especially given the workaround I mentioned above. Just highlighting in case you thought this one might be a possible MoI workflow improvement.

