V5 Wish List

 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.380 In reply to 10114.379 
Hi James, I think it might be difficult to animate a transition between perspective and orthographic. I'm not sure though.

The way that particular view cube navigation works it isn't an issue because it stays in a perspective view the whole time. That's why it's a somewhat different type of function than MoI's view tabs.

Another issue is that in MoI when you switch to a 2D ortho view you don't do any view orbiting. With the view cube you need to be able to orbit the camera to expose different views that you might want to switch to. All the different views are not always exposed and ready to click on immediately, like if you go to Top it's kind of problematic that the view cube now just shows Top where you're already at and you have to do some camera orbiting movement to be able to go somewhere else.

It doesn't really fit in with MoI's 2D viewports being separate from the 3D view. That's why I mentioned getting rid of the 2D ortho views, because it seems like that would probably be a precondition for making it work.

- Michael