V5 Wish List

 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.378 In reply to 10114.377 
Hi James,

> Although the view window buttons on the bottom nav bar function well, I wonder if there is a more
> elegant solution that doesn't hog so much screen realestate. Although the colours are a bit garish,
> I think the navigation cube in this online SD modeller could serve as an example:
> https://stephaneginier.com/archive/nomad_demo/

It looks like it performs a somewhat different function than the Split / 3D / Top / Front / Right view tabs in MoI.

When you click on Top on that view cube, it's navigating a perspective view camera position. When you click on
the Top view tab in MoI it switches the orthographic 2D Top viewport to be maximized.

The 2D ortho views in MoI help to give more of a 2D drawing workflow when you're working in them, it would
be a problem to eliminate them and only navigate the 3D perspective view like the view cube navigation
is doing.

- Michael