V5 Wish List

 From:  Phiro
10114.37 In reply to 10114.36 
Hi PaQ

- I have no idea how to do it right, but a way to combine elements together (solid / surface / curves) so they behave as a single object for selection / xform in the viewport would be an nice addition to tackle larger project. I often boolean union solids together because it's easier to manipulate, not because I need them to be merged into a single solid. Those containers could be a first stage for instancing or .3dm file referencing ?

You can, right now, select objects (solid, cuves...) and give them the same name.
So with the scene browser, you can select them with one click, then you can transform them.
Naming objects is a good way to work on big projects.

another possibility is to give the same style to your group of objects. With the scene browser, you can select them with one click too.
As you can define styles with names and look defined by you, you are free with your choices.

You can combine those two possibilities to have a two levels selection tool for your groups.

Two levels is not enough for some peoples and projects but this is good for many.

Perhaps a third level would be possible if Michael adds a new attribute (called group perhaps), but I think having a tree of objects (or groups) with no limit levels is really more complex to do.