Hi Psygorn,
> Is it possible to draw freeform lines on the surface of objects? in perspective/orthographic views?
Currently you can draw curves directly on planar surfaces when picking points in the 3D view, and the construction plane will automatically adjust to the object plane so things like rectangles and circles are oriented to that drawing plane.
For curved surfaces it's a little different, planar drawing commands like circle or rectangle will orient themselves to the surface normal at the first picked point that was snapped onto a surface in the 3D view but the entire drawn curve won't be on the curved surface.
When you are working inside one of the top/front/right 2D orthographic views the focus is on maintaining orientation to that view plane. So the automatic snap plane adjustment to objects only kicks in when you are working in the 3D viewport and not when picking points in the top/right/front viewports. You can relocate the entire frame of reference for the 2D views using View > CPlane though.
Usually it's best with curved surfaces to draw a 2D curve and project it onto the surface.
- Michael