V5 Wish List

 From:  Viewbyte
Greetings to all : )

Suggestion: auto swap of template images for ortho views - top/bottom, left/right, front/back.
I'm currently working on a model for which I have 2D drawings. I have image planes set up for top, left/right, front/back.

It would be super helpful if, when switching ortho views - left/right or front/back - the relevant image plane was shown and the 'reverse view' image plane was hidden.
Currently the same image just gets automatically reversed in direction ('auto-flipped'). That's pretty confusing and an invitation to make mistakes when your object is not symmetric.

The current set up makes working round this problem equally confusing, because if you set up drawings for left/right, front/back you have to reverse one of them because of the 'auto-flip'.

It's a flippin' nuisance : )

Thanks for any consideration this may get : )

Mike A.

EDITED: 17 Dec 2021 by VIEWBYTE