V5 Wish List

 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.29 In reply to 10114.28 
Hi immortalx, nested layers are helpful in other ways but they still don't give as much flexibility. You can't do "Show all curves" regardless of layers with nested layers for example. They also require more complexity to set up, it's much simpler if you want to deal with one particular object to be able to tag it with a name and be able to target that name regardless of layer assignment or layer structure as well.

For more complex cases where you're planning things out a lot the nesting is definitely useful though and I do plan on adding in some hierarchy into MoI's scene browser interface as well.

But I wanted to be quite careful to not repeat the problems with traditional layers.

The flexibility of MoI's system extends outside of the scene browser as well because simple Edit > Hide co-exists well with this system. Like for example, you can use Ctrl + Edit > Hide to do a "Show subset", that allows you to select any object to make visible, again regardless of what layer it is on and not having side effects of other objects showing because they were on the same layer.

It's overall a much more flexible system. Once hierarchy is introduced that should help with some other more complex cases. The focus for MoI has been to make simple things work well first before worrying too much about complicated things.

- Michael