V5 Wish List

 From:  pafurijaz
10114.262 In reply to 10114.261 
Wow that's what I meant, this script works very well, you could integrate something like this as an alternative dimension in addition to the existing ones add this option as well. 
and too useful. 
Thank you very much.
Another question that came to my mind, the commands are many and the key combination is sometimes complex to set and limited, even if they are used combined with the function keys, CRTL. 

With Autocad you can set an infinity of commands with combinations of strings or a single character and confirm with the space bar or enter, confirmation should be given after typing the abbreviated command, this way you can create shortcuts commands easier to type and remember, would that be something that can be evaluated in the next version?

here a pdf of command in autocad https://damassets.autodesk.net/content/dam/estore/customer-service/AutoCAD_Shortcuts_11x8.5_MECH-REV.pdf