Hi Michael,
I don't know if this has been asked before, but I would really welcome an auto-complete function for the command input field after pressing Tab.
It would save a lot of assigning and remembering of keyboard shortcuts if you could just press Tab, then start typing "r" and immediately get a little pop-up list with "Rotate", "Revolve", "Rectangle", "Rebuild" etcetera.
Then if you continue typing, "re" would cause only "Revolve", "Rectangle", "Rebuild" and other commands starting with "Re" to remain present in the list, and so on.
The pop-up list would preferably be ordered by command usage frequency (maybe with an alphabetical list sorting option in the Options).
It would also be great if the list would be conditional, meaning that if you start typing in the command input field when no object is selected, commands that operate on a selection would be excluded from the list.
─ Metin
visualizer • illustrator • 3D designer — metinseven.nl