V5 Wish List

 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
10114.220 In reply to 10114.219 
Hi Michael I meant Torus!

Dear Michael please take a look at the attached file.

Also I have got another question for you! is it possible to rotate a desired curve along an axis while Array circular is used? I think with this we can create many interesting shapes :-) ! ( However I have to say I don't know if this type of effect is achievable by node-editor or not)

Edit: if you take a look at the attached file you will see a bunch of curves if you select them all and perform loft on them it MOI gives you an interesting shaped object! but unfortunately it is not closed! I wanted to know if there is a method to have the object just by using loft! ( I think it is possible to get the object by chopping some sections of it and then sawing those sections into the desired shape, I just wanted to know if it is possible by using loft command)

One more thing, I tried swipe and it gives me a closed object but there is a nasty twist at the end! How could I fix that?

EDITED: 5 Jul 2021 by DRILLBIT
