V5 Wish List

 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.163 In reply to 10114.162 
Hi Ed,

> Within the Edit Size box, I'd like the ability to Resize objects by Percentage in addition to absolute size.

There is a "relative expression" function in MoI's edit fields that can do this currently.

In any edit field that has a current value in it, you can type in an expression starting with "+", "--", "/", or "*" to do an addition, subtraction (requires double minus to distinguish from typing in direct value), division, or multiplication applied to the current value.

> Temporarily enlarging the model by 2% before export can produce a better print.

So in any of the edit size fields, you can type in *1.02 to do that now.

I'll see about adding in a % percentage relative expression as well though.

- Michael