V5 Wish List

 From:  ed (EDDYF)
10114.162 In reply to 10114.161 
Within the Edit Size box, I'd like the ability to Resize objects by Percentage in addition to absolute size. (Much like drawing a circle where we can toggle the entry between Radius and Diameter).

A couple of use cases:

3D printers typically print under-size due to plastic shrinkage while cooling. Temporarily enlarging the model by 2% before export can produce a better print.

You are designing an electronics enclosure and have to make a weird shaped opening to mount an IEC 320 power connector. You import a 3D model of the connector in STEP format from the supplier to use as a Boolean cutting object. Experience says it won't fit, because you need clearance. Go to Edit Size and enlarge by 1% (no calculations required), make the Boolean, and you're done.

Ed Ferguson