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This is a place to collect requests for new features or enhancements to MoI.

From Petr:

  • Option "Maximum distance to surface" for creating meshes (at least STL meshes) (Maybe call this "Max chord height", or "Deviation tolerance").
  • Untrim for a particular edge(s) of the trimmed surface.
  • Multiple Undo!
  • Automatic rebuild/simplify type option to reduce complexity of offset and project commands.

From Iwan:

  • rebuild curve (really, this is missing)
  • rebuild surface, with editable U/V isolines (I know, not for 1.0 :)
  • stronger fillets operations : for example a fillet with a too high value should produce automatically the biggest fillet possible, it should not fail.
  • multi-threaded operations if possible
  • extract U/V isolines
  • unified mapping coordinates if possible !

From yannada:

  • Driving Dimensions, capture design intent at any product development stage.
  • 2D Design environment, Associative Drawing environment to enable design changes, as well as geometry creation and modification, from within drawing views.
  • 3D Annotation capabilities and highlighting tools to clearly communicate and document design changes.
  • Design Tree, A single design environment for working on an assembly and its individual components, parts can be easily merged together or split to individuals piece parts as the design evolves, hierarchy can be changed by Dragging & Dropping component designations around in the Design Tree.
  • And last but not least a script or export wizard for maxwellrender?

From Pilou:

  • Variable radius fillet, with being able to define radius by a profile/scaling type rail.

From Fredrik:

  • Elliptical fillets, where you specify two radiuses for each side of the fillets.
  • Option for reducing the number of points generated in an offset surface at the expense of precision.

From Marc:

  • Better UI for filleting edges - some kind of UI that lets you click and drag a cross-section of the fillet to adjust the size.

From Schbeurd:

  • Variable radius fillet
  • Text along a path (along a curve).
  • When using the Array > Dir command, an extra option to choose the placement for the last arrayed object, not the offset point as this is currently the case.