Hidden Secrets

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Tips from MoI experts…

  • Lamma mode

Have you tried it yet? :)

  • Extract edges

Besides using Copy & Paste command, you can also extract a surface edges by selecting a chain of edges and running Join command or by holding Ctrl key and dragging edges somewhere.

  • Automatic Pan

If you’re using a mouse buttons to pan a view, maybe you noticed that when the mouse cursor comes near a margin of the viewport the view start sliding itself without any further movement of the mouse.

  • Shrink Trimmed Surface (for advanced users)

This command contracts the underlying untrimmed surface close to trimming boundaries. No visible change in the surface itself - only the underlying untrimmed surface alters! To use this command, you must set keyboard shortcut like:

Alt+S ShrinkTrimmedSrf

then select trimmed surface (joined surfaces also works) and press shortcut key.