Moment of Inspiration 3D modeling for designers and artists
Abstract Art Machine   by 3DKiwi         View full size

I was browsing around the net and came across an awesome site with Kinetic Art machines by David C. Roy David makes these awesome wooden models that work. This is my interpretation of one of David's models and not meant to be a direct copy. I have added and changed a couple of things.

Modelled in MoI. Materials and rendering in Cinema 4D. The 5 strings going around the pulleys are curves in MoI. These were imported into Cinema 4D as Adobe Illustrator curves. I then used Circle Profile splines and Sweepnurbs objects to add thickness. In Cinema 4D I added 2 cogs and a couple of cyclinders.

This machine looks cool when animated. You can see David's real working machine at his site. I have animated my version and you can download the animation here: (Zipped QT 16mb)