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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.135 In reply to 9526.134 
Hi Scooter, the primary job of the sub-d importer is to enable a hybrid workflow where you can incorporate some sub-d elements as parts of a semi-organic model.

Say for example you want to do a space helmet and you want to start with a smooth base head shape that you'll then boolean some details onto. The head shape can be easier to do as a sub-d surface, and with the new importer you are able to use a sub-d modeling program to make the head surface and then import it into MoI and continue to build more elements off of it.

So basically it allows for using a combination of both sub-d and NURBS modeling techniques in a single project.

> Just what should I expect as the result of the import?

You should see a NURBS object in MoI that looks the same as the sub-d limit surface in your sub-d modeling program. But it does not currently support edge weights.

> Is it just a background mesh to build off of?

You mean like a template guide that you're going to throw away? That's not really the main idea, it's more about using the sub-d surfaces directly as part of your model.

- Michael
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 From:  Scooter (DORMANTVISION)
9526.136 In reply to 9526.135 
Thanks for your patients and explanation Michael.

Keep up the great work!

Looking forwards to the final V4 release!

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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
Sorry if it has been said before, but....I think that the option "From object" in Dim must be checked -not pushing the button each time- in order to keep this option active while the dim task is doing.

BTW, again a amazing version!
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Michael,

Have you changed the size input field so the prompt as at the end of the field rather than at the beginning - I have always used those fields with tab key and type over current settings but now need to backspace to clear field before new entry?

thanks Alex


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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.139 In reply to 9526.137 
Hi David,

> Sorry if it has been said before, but....I think that the option "From object" in Dim must be
> checked -not pushing the button each time- in order to keep this option active while the
> dim task is doing.

Unfortunately a checkbox option is not quite feasible here. If you start out with nothing selected, then setting the checkbox would need to ask you to select an object. That selection is an additional stage of the command and the global UI convention in MoI is that setting a checkbox state should not cause a new stage of a command to be entered, that's always done by a push button, not a check button.

It is possible though to set up a keyboard shortcut that will automatically trigger the "From object" button so you don't have to click it separately.

To do that set up a shortcut key with one of the following:

DimHorizontal FromObject

DimVertical FromObject

DimAligned FromObject

Those keyboard shortcuts will be the same as running the command and clicking the FromObject button.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.140 In reply to 9526.138 
Hi Alex,

> Have you changed the size input field so the prompt as at the end of the field rather
> than at the beginning - I have always used those fields with tab key and type over
> current settings but now need to backspace to clear field before new entry?

It wasn't intentionally changed to do that. I can't seem to make it happen over here, does it only happen when the new object properties dialog is open?

- Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Michael,

In MOIv3 if you go and change an objects dimensions the starting position for the prompt was at the beginning of the field but now for some reason in V4 when I go to make a change it defaults to the end of the input field so I have to backspace to clear that field.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.142 In reply to 9526.141 
Hi Alex, how exactly are you activating the input field, is it by pressing the Tab key? Clicking on it? Or just typing keystrokes immediately after opening the edit size menu?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
Any suggestions for a screen capture format or program that I can use to display problem?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.144 In reply to 9526.143 
Hi Alex, I use Camtasia from TechSmith for screen captures. There are some free ones out as well though.

It may be enough if you can just give me a little more step-by-step description though.

What is supposed to happen is after you open the menu if you just start typing your keystrokes should go into the first field, replacing what was in there. If you push the Tab key focus is supposed to go into the first field and all the text in it is supposed to be selected so when you start typing it will replace it.

- Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Michael,

Here is capture when I go to change the size fields by default it goes to end of the entry rather than the beginning if I tab select it does go the beginning.

I have removed MOIv3 from my computer and starting using v4 full time when I used click on the field in V3 it would go to the beginning of the field.

any suggestions welcome - thanks Alex.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.146 In reply to 9526.145 
Hi Alex, so that's working as it's supposed to - when you click on the field it goes to whatever location you clicked on. If you click in the middle of a number it goes in the middle, if you click past the end it goes to the end, like this:

That's just the standard behavior of most edit fields on the computer in general. For example here in my web browser I click past the end of the text in the google search field, it's the same behavior:

Here is how it works in V3 over here at least, it's the same:

There are a couple of different things you can do though, if you double click anywhere on the field it should select everything in the field so that when you start typing the existing text will be replaced.

If you want to input a new value into the first field it isn't necessary to click on it at all, just start typing without doing any clicks and your keystrokes should go to the first field replacing any existing content.

You can also use the Tab key to put focus into the first field which should select all the text so that your next keystrokes replace everything.

If you want to go to the second field you can push Tab twice, the first time it will go to the first field and then the second Tab will move to the second field, again all the text should be selected so whatever you type next should replace it.

Is it possible that you had modified your V3 so it behaved differently from the standard installation? If you like you can edit the file EditSizeMenu.htm inside the ui subfolder in the install folder, and replace all 8 instances of TextInput with NumericInput. That will then make those fields pop out the little menu with number buttons on it like a little calculator and with that control instead of a plain text control it will select all text when you single click on it like you're doing.

- Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
HI Michael,

Thanks again for your tireless support - this explains the difference in my previous workflow.

"If you want to input a new value into the first field it isn't necessary to click on it at all, just start typing without doing any clicks and your keystrokes should go to the first field replacing any existing content."

MOI plays a big part in my workflow and have become used to its speed and in many aspects and dont think what I am actually doing when I am modelling but the above action you described is where something has changed from my previous install when I start typing the dimensions I need they get added to the end of the input.

No problem just something new I need to get used to - working with MOI4

Here is current project completed using MOI.

Initial shape modelled in MOI taken into Zbrush finished in Zbrush outer body converted back into nurbs and steel frame designed for manufacture all in MOI4.
The exploded and cutaway views are MOI PDF exports really nice images generated for documents then taken into illustrator for finishing.

EDITED: 26 Jan 2020 by ALEXPOLO

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 From:  Schbeurd
Hi Michael,

Very long time since my last post on this forum. ;-)

I noticed a small bug (?) in V4 beta when exporting to OBJ format. If you choose the display to be "wireframe" before exporting, MoI displays the object as "shaded + edges". I don't remember if it was already present in the previous betas.


Happy MoI user since beta version of August 13 2006...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.149 In reply to 9526.148 
Hi Schbeurd, yeah it's been a long time, welcome back!

That definitely looks like a bug, seems to be a casualty of the new display engine that can now keep data resident in VRAM instead of always streaming it.

I'll see about fixing it up, thanks for reporting it.

- Michael
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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
9526.150 In reply to 9526.139 
Ok, Michael. Thank you!
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 From:  trc (TERRYC)
Hi Michael,

I know you're hard at work and I shouldn't ask...

But would it be possible, in the Display Options of the Annotation Properties, to have a selection for "Above Line Screen Aligned"?

It could come in handy for small measurements.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.152 In reply to 9526.151 
Hi Terry,

> But would it be possible, in the Display Options of the Annotation Properties, to have a selection for "Above Line Screen Aligned"?
> It could come in handy for small measurements.

How would that work though? Like where would you expect the text here to be positioned? :

There is another thing that I want to add which is for dims to have points show up that you can turn on with Edit > Show pts and one of the points would be for the text to allow you to drag it to a custom position.

- Michael

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
9526.153 In reply to 9526.1 

Very cool to see dimensions and editable text.

Been quite busy lately and haven't read all the comments.
Show points doesn't seem to work on dimensions.

It would be cool when exporting to PDF to have the option to set dimensions according to font size.
Let's say you want the font at 8pts, the rest of dimensions would scale accordingly.

Great work on the details panels, the selection filter is very interesting, quite flexible panel.

Will you consider implementing simple dashed lines in this version ?


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 From:  trc (TERRYC)
9526.154 In reply to 9526.152 
> How would that work though?

That's a good point. I guess it would be more of a perpendicular offset rather than "above". I like your idea better though!

Thanks Michael.
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