Zoom & Rotate

 From:  Lish (KHOLISH)
Hi Michael...

I have two questions :
1. I want : rotate scroll button forward = zoom out, rotate scroll backward = zoom in.
2. Is there a way to change the moi rotate button ? I want : to rotate model is by hold down scroll button then move the mouse.

Basically I am solidworks user, so I want the moi zoom & rotate feature same as solidworks.
I have used solidworks, AutoCAD, and another 3D software. I think the zoom & rotate that solidworks have is the best. Very easy.

I have tried to change the moi setting under rotate/zoom/pan. But not work.


EDITED: 23 Sep 2007 by KHOLISH

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 From:  Michael Gibson
947.2 In reply to 947.1 
Hi Lish,

> 1. I want : rotate scroll button forward = zoom out, rotate scroll backward = zoom in.

Go to Options / View / Rotate/PanZoom options, and check the option for "Reverse scroll wheel".

> 2. Is there a way to change the moi rotate button ? I want : to rotate model is by
> hold down scroll button then move the mouse.

This one is also possible but you have to edit the moi.ini file to do it. First, make sure that MoI is closed. Then open the moi.ini file in notepad, you can find it here:
C:\Documents and Settings\ [your login name] \Application Data\moi\moi.ini

under the [View] section, find the SwapPanRotateMouse=n option and change it to y like this:


Again, make sure that MoI is closed when you make this change. After you edit the moi.ini file like that, you should get rotation by dragging on the middle mouse button and panning by using the right mouse button.

> I have tried to change the moi setting under rotate/zoom/pan. But not work.

Are you sure you used the correct setting? The scroll wheel one is the 5th one down on the left side.

If you look closely, the ones on the right-hand side are inside a box labeled "3Dconnexion options" - those ones only apply to 3Dconnexion devices like the Space Traveler, etc...

Hope this helps!
- Michael
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 From:  Lish (KHOLISH)
947.3 In reply to 947.2 
Dear Michael...

Thank`s for the tips, I think I check a wrong option before.
About rotate using middle mouse button : I feel rotate using MMB is more heavy than using RMB, please try it. Just my feeling or ...?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
947.4 In reply to 947.3 
> About rotate using middle mouse button : I feel rotate using MMB is more
> heavy than using RMB, please try it. Just my feeling or ...?

Hi Lish, do you mean it doesn't feel like it works in the same way as the right button?

As near as I know it should function the exact same way once you click down.

But it isn't unusual for it to take more effort to push down the middle button on your mouse than the right button though, I think many mice are set up that way to make it less likely to accidentally click the middle button when using the scroll wheel. That's one of the reasons why I put the rotate on the right-click by default instead of the middle.

- Michael


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