Funny Rail Revolve

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Draw a circle in Top view
Draw an open curve in Right view out of the circle
Call Rail Revolve (curve =profil, Circle = rail)
You have your object
Deselect all
Now drag and move the open curve or the circle (more funny with the curve :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
94.2 In reply to 94.1 
Do you mean funny as in "strange like it's a bug" or funny as in "fun to play with" ? Just want to make sure...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
94.3 In reply to 94.2 
Yes funny as in "fun to play with" :)

It was an effect calculated? Possibilities to change the object with moving curves (different than the history method)
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 From:  dooki
94.4 In reply to 94.3 
Hey Frenchy,

Amapi's "dynamic geometry" has a similar function and I'm glad to see it in MOI. This is really cool feature cause it let's you come up with all types of variations on a design.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
94.5 In reply to 94.3 
> Yes funny as in "fun to play with" :)

Whew. Good! :)

Yup, this is intentional - but it's actually still just history doing its work.

Editing points is not the only way to use history (I'm sorry if I gave you this impression earlier) - you can move, rotate or scale the entire curve (as you are doing here), and any objects that use that curve in their history will update the same way as if you edited points of that curve.

If you do want to move the curve for some reason without updating the revolved object, you can disable history on the revolve by selecting it and going to Edit/History.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
94.6 In reply to 94.5 
<If you do want to move the curve for some reason without updating the revolved object, you can disable history on the revolve by selecting it and going to Edit/History.

It's that was not explicit :) History installed by default
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 From:  Michael Gibson
94.7 In reply to 94.6 
Yeah, at first I tried enabling history on everything by default. But several things such as copy and mirror could have pretty surprising results. So I couldn't really turn it on for everything by default.

But I thought that I would turn it on by default for these commands: Extrude, Revolve, Rail Revolve, Sweep, Blend, Offset curve, Planar curve, and Loft.

These seem to be ones where a lot of people are expecting history to work on, so I wanted to make it work automatically here, instead of having to manually turn it on for these.

It can still be a bit surprising if you're not thinking about it when you move the original curves around, though.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael (MMHS)
94.8 In reply to 94.7 
It seems that when i click history with no objects selected, it pops up the extrude tool's dialog (select extrude), i'm assuming this is an error. Functionally there is no problem.

Michael H.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
94.9 In reply to 94.8 

< it pops up the extrude tool's dialog (select extrude)
Same thing !

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 From:  Michael Gibson
94.10 In reply to 94.8 
Yup, it is a typo in the command UI.

Thanks for reporting it, it's fixed for the next beta release.

- Michael
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