problem with IGES import

 From:  cronbg
Hello Michael,

Currently I am having trouble with importing a certain IGES file into moi (latest beta, Sep. 4). The part was modeled in SolidWorks and exported as IGES directly from there. Seems like moi is having trouble with correctly trimming some surfaces.
I have attached the file to this post -- maybe you can take a look at it. The part should be exactly symmetrical (has been mirrored towards the end of modeling), however only the right side shows errors. The odd thing is, that the file imports into Rhino without showing the errors.

Do you have any ideas?

best regards,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
921.2 In reply to 921.1 
Hi Christopher, thanks for reporting this.

It looks like it may be a problem in the IGES library that I'm using, but it looks like I may be able to tune this up. But I'm going to contact the guy who makes the library and see what he thinks, it might be a couple of days before I get back to you on this one.

- Michael
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 From:  cronbg
921.3 In reply to 921.2 
Hello Michael,
Are there any news regarding this issue?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
921.4 In reply to 921.3 
Hi cronbg - I did find out that the problem was inside the geometry library part and not exactly the IGES import part specifically.

I have received an update to the geometry library and I noticed that there have been some bug fixes and updates to the specific function that was causing this particular IGES import problem.

But I don't yet know if the updates have fixed this particular issue, I think I should probably be able to find that out next week though.

- Michael
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