exporting 2d
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 From:  adx
918.49 In reply to 918.48 
Thanks again, I've been slow to check this forum, busy.

I tried the circles dxf with much the the same result as before. The circle is 'square' as seen in the 3rd attachment, also if I try to make it round you can also see there is a sharp node (maybe start and finish) in attachment 1. An import straight into SheetCam converts it to polylines, very similar to QCad, otherwise I'd say the problem is limited completely to QCad.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, if extraction of arc and line entities is on the drawing board then that's good enough for me!

BTW I did something useful in 3D lastnight and it was all done in 15 mins. Apart from a little playing on SolidWorks and over the years and more recently with Alibre, I'm no 3D designer. Very cool. I might make a gallery post.

- Antony.

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 From:  twofoot
918.50 In reply to 918.8 
>>Hi Paul, I cooked up a converter for you, you can download it from here:
>>Unzip this to some folder, then run the 3dmCurves2DXF.exe program.
>>It will ask you for the name of an input .3dm file, and then the name of an output .dxf file.
>>It will read through the input .3dm file and convert any curve objects it finds to Spline entities in the DXF file.
>>Please let me know if this works to transfer your curve data over.
>>- Michael

I know this thread is almost 3 years old, but when something works you have to give credit. This works perfectly! I drew an object using simple lines in the "TOP" view, and then converted the 3DM to a DXF file. That file will now be used to laser cut gaskets in .010" copper.



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