Hi Pilou, that's not too surprising - sweep tries to move your profile shape along the other curve keeping it perpendicular as it travels along it.
Since your path curve has many very tight bends and corners in it, this will make a very complex surface as it tries to follow and refine the sweep along each one of those very tight corners.
This will mostly slow down a lot since it will start to consume really a large amount of memory and Windows will start swapping chunks of memory to disk.
re: Elapsed timer - unfortunately this is pretty difficult to do with many of the algorithms that MoI uses for calculations. Often times MoI does not know in advance how many steps something is going to take to finish, instead it often tends to be a kind of refinement process where it starts with a simple approximation to the final result, and tests to see if it is accurate enough or not. If not, then additional points are added and then then re-tested, refined again if necessary, etc...
MoI just doesn't know in advance how many refinement steps are going to be needed, it only knows the total number of steps after everything has finished.
That tends to make it difficult to have a progress meter for a many kinds of calculations.
- Michael