Hi JTB - yeah these are not Rhino 3DM files, they are actually in a different format.
Back some time ago Apple introduced a format for QuickDraw3D, and they called it 3D Meta-File. These would normally have a .3dmf extension, but on Windows machines sometimes the extension was shortened to .3dm .
This kind of file is not really very common though, most of the time a .3dm file will be a Rhino one.
I think that the PolyTrans converter can export both Rhino .3dm as well as an Apple 3D Meta File, so probably your friend accidentally picked "3DMF" off the save as list, instead of "Rhino .3dm".
However, there is another problem that you'll probably run into here - your friend seems to be exporting polygon mesh data, not NURBS data.
It is possible to store polygon data in a Rhino .3dm file, but MoI will not read that type of data in, MoI only reads in NURBS curves and surfaces.
If you want to bring polygon data into MAX, you should try one of the more common polygon formats, like OBJ or 3DS.
- Michael