Node editor UI
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8456.8 In reply to 8456.7 
Hi Barry, it's because of using // for commenting out stuff in the editor.css file. Unfortunately unlike .js files, css doesn't understand // meaning a comment, it only knows /* */ for comments.

So in the .node-panel class in editor.css, when you have this:

	width: 300px;//240
	right: 0px;

it's going to think you have 2 properties there named 'width' with a value of 300px and then another one named '//240 right' which won't be recognized so essentially right: is disabled there.

If you remove the // comments or switch them to /* */ then shut down and restart MoI you should then be back to what you want.

You may have had a few other various side effects from the // comments effectively disabling the property on the next line after in other areas too.

- Michael
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 From:  Barry-H
8456.9 In reply to 8456.8 
Hi Michael,
I have removed all the comment tags but still the same.
I will try installing a fresh copy of the node editor and retry editing without comment tags.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8456.10 In reply to 8456.9 
Hi Barry, hmm removing the // comments worked for me over here but I did have to exit MoI and restart it, did you do that part?

Anyway if you start fresh and don't put in any // comments that should work too.

- Michael
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 From:  Barry-H
8456.11 In reply to 8456.10 
sorted it there was an old core file from a previous version of node editor still in the ui directory.
Removing that as cured the issue. Bad house keeping by me sorry about that.
I have a much more useable node editor ui now.
So again many thanks


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8456.12 In reply to 8456.11 
That's great Barry, you're welcome!

- Michael
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