Hello I'm back again :)
From Michael :
As far as I have heard it is not so important to get quads in ZBrush as it is to have polygons that are of a more uniform size and even distribution.
Well I do agree that the 'divide larger than' is a great option that I will love to have in my sub-d package.
Having a nice, clean topology is as important that having uniform surface distrubution.
It's a bit like saying that MoI can provide sub-d ready models, but it's not the case.
- Pole of triangles are problems, everything you'll try to sculpt on pole will be out of control, and you will not be able to sculpt that part as you want.
- Triangles are problems, 1 triangle = pinch effect in your model (you can more less hide the pinch effect with some trick, but the less the better)
- Trimmed surfaces are problems, as the polygon flow will not match.
As far as I know, you can't control all this areas with the today meshing tools.
Here's a closed example of how MoI object will look after a first subdivision is applied.
Working like that is definitively not using zbrush the right way, and you'll miss all the digital painting experience.
Is a non-sence (for me) to create super nice curved smooth surface with nurbs and then
destroy everything by applying a sub-d algorithm over it.
Just my point of vue :)