Strange behavior for a UI displayed by CommandMenuButton or moi.ui.showMenu
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7904.6 In reply to 7904.5 
Hi Marco, thanks for the much more detailed steps, that helps a lot!

> it all correct ? Is this the normal behavior of the entire process ?

Yes, that's currently the normal behavior - MoI goes through some effort to preserve object attributes of Rhino-specific things that MoI itself does not use, but that will only happen for objects that have not been edited in MoI. When you do the step of moving the sphere, that's a type of edit and it's basically the equivalent of the original sphere being destroyed and a new sphere with different coordinates being created. With the object being changed and having a different id, MoI will no longer find the original Rhino attributes that were assigned to the original sphere and so you get the result you see here.

> I ask this 'cause i want to know a good workflow method to follow in order to use both the
> software, Rhino and Moi. Just to model both in Moi and Rhino, save back and forth the files,
> and then render all inside Rhino/Thea Render.

Most of the time I'd recommend moving in the direction of creating stuff in MoI and moving it most often in one direction from MoI to Rhino.

One thing that might work better is to assign your material by layer rather than having it assigned as an override to the individual object like you have done here. To do that in Rhino in the object material properties have that set to "Assign material by: Layer", and then set your material on the layer. Then as long as you don't modify the Styles list in MoI (which map to Layers in Rhino), the layer properties should round trip back to Rhino I think. Then I think you can create new objects in MoI, the materials will still work because the default for a new object is to have materials by layer.

You previously mentioned this:

> Second point....i saw that Moi's .3dm file is the V4 format and when i save it
> back from Rhino in the V5 format, any subsequent save from Moi doesn't
> work. The file is not saved anymore.

Here were you talking about the dialog that pops up, or something different? Or did I miss it in your steps above?

When you start a fresh 3DM file in MoI, it will default to writing Rhino v4 format 3DM files. But when you open a v5 3DM file originally created by Rhino v5 into MoI, MoI will remember it was a v5 3DM file that was opened and will then write a v5 file when you save it out again.

- Michael
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